Female sharks have thicker skins to protect against bites from males during mating. Pregnant females avoid males on migration routes.
Female Sharks Have Thicker Skin
The ocean's average depth is 12,080.7 feet, roughly the height of eight stacked Empire State Buildings. The deepest part reaches about 36,200 feet.
Ocean Depth Comparison
The triangular area formed by tendons on the back of your hand when extending the thumb is called the "anatomical snuff box," used historically for sniffing tobacco.
Anatomical Snuff Box
Ancient Pompeii had advanced plumbing with second-story toilets, as evidenced by pipes and traces of fecal matter found in the ruins.
Advanced Plumbing in Pompeii
The adult human skeleton has 206 bones, with babies born with around 270 bones that fuse over time. The smallest bone is the stapes in the ear, and the largest is the femur.
Human Skeleton Facts
Madagascar hissing cockroaches hiss by forcing gas through spiracles. They hiss when startled, during fights, and to attract mates.
Hissing Cockroaches
Gravity on the moon is one-sixth of Earth's. A person weighing 150 pounds on Earth would weigh only 25 pounds on the moon.
Moon Gravity
Ancient Romans used a sponge on a stick, called a tersorium, for wiping. The sponge was stored in a bucket of salt water or vinegar water between uses.
Ancient Toilet Etiquette
Camels can drink 30 gallons of water in 13 minutes, storing it in their bloodstream. Their humps store fat, not water, for nourishment when food is scarce.
Camel Water Storage